If you happen to be on the Internet for any amount of time, you’ve seen Microsoft’s almost-ubiquitous ad campaign promoting Dynamics enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. You’ve seen them on MLB.com, Nytimes.com, Bostonherald.com, and even on Facebook.com.
The ads primarily promote the interface of the Microsoft Dynamics software and how similar it is to the universally-used Microsoft Office products, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Outlook. And as you can see in the image below (a screenshot of Dynamics CRM), the advertisements don’t lie.
Microsoft is excited about its line of ERP software (Dynamics AX, GP, SL, NAV, and CRM) not only because it’s a cutting-edge solution to manage the processes of a business from one console, but also because Dynamics users enjoy a quick learning curve. Due to the familiarity of the software’s interface, customers realize a rapid positive return on investment that is not likely with other ERP solutions.
Based in Peabody, Massachusetts, GraVoc Associates, Inc. has been outfitting satisfied clients with Microsoft Dynamics ERP software customized to their needs for years, and GraVoc is proud to have earned the title of Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. Clients in the Boston Area and throughout New England have trusted Microsoft’s reputation in business solutions and GraVoc’s reputation in prompt implementation and customization of business solutions.
If the “everyone gets it” ads have caught your eye and your business could use powerful software to cut down on wasted time, inefficient communication, and disjointed business processes, we strongly recommend that you do some exploration on the Microsoft Dynamics website as well as GraVoc.com to see if this powerful yet familiar software is the right solution for you.